Helping fight Urban Malnutrition & Supporting Value based Early Education

​Established in 2007 by as CSR Initiative of Nihal Software.
What we do?
Nihal Foundation runs its quite famous the Sunshine-van. The van delivers arms loads of uncooked Chana, Daliyas, and soya to various labour clusters within 7 kms radius of our offices. The mothers of these children are guided to balance the diet of these construction site children.
Additionally, the Sunshine van delivers happiness by giving toys, gifts, stationary, clothes, books, and food to poor children at construction sites, slums, and even on roadsides in your city. According to the availability, we aim to distribute protein rich diet twice a week. Clothes, toys, gifts, stationary, and books are distributed once a month or as per need. We also offer to collect these items from your home as per the availability.
Why Protein is important for growing children?
Consequences of Protein Deficiency in Early Childhood
Malnutrition is a serious public health issue in India. It is estimated that nearly half of all Indian children under the age of five suffer from malnutrition, and that approximately one-third of all children in the country are underweight. Malnutrition is particularly prevalent in rural areas, where poverty and lack of access to nutritious food make it difficult for families to provide adequate nutrition for their children.
Protein deficiency in early childhood can lead to a variety of health complications, including stunted growth, impaired cognitive development, weakened immune system, anemia, and increased susceptibility to infection.
It can also contribute to long-term health problems, such as increased risk of chronic illnesses, such as diabetes and heart disease. Protein deficiency can also cause a child to become malnourished, leading to a decrease in muscle mass, an increased risk of obesity, and a weakened ability to fight off disease.
Upcoming Projects
Nihal Play School
Promoting Safety and Well Being

Nihal Play School plans to run day care centers where toddlers will be provided crèches with toys and books at constructions sites for the children. In the initial phase we will be targeting the construction sites where houses are being built in Gurgaon. These crèches will allow labors to put their toddlers safely in the crèche while they can work without worry.
Past Projects
Youth Opportunity Center
Giving Underpriviledged Youth the Power to Succeed

Nihal Foundation already sponsors skill development classes to the marginalized youth with a focus on the Sikh youth. Since 2012 youth from rural Punjab has been trained and employed via this Bridge Program.
Nihal Foundation has found the YOC training centers more effective than simply giving scholarships which are often used to pay towards the rising fees of private education – and the graduating student still lacks skills and does not add value to their life or contribute to society.